An herbal foot soak can bring much relief to our feet that work super hard every day to keep us upright and moving. They take us on hikes, runs, bike rides, hold us up through long serving shifts, help us chase our kiddos around, allow us to get from point A to point B. In the summer months our feet are more exposed and used, and this is a perfect time to start a foot care routine. Calluses and corns are a reminder that we need to keep our feet moisturized and protected. A weekly herbal foot soak followed by a nightly application of a medicinal oil rub and salve can help us reduce tough skin and over time minimize calluses and corns and even help avoid them in the future.
Herbs for a Foot Soak:
Calendula: very anti-inflammatory and vulnerary, promoting skin healing. Slightly antibacterial.
Comfrey root or leaf: enhances loosening and shedding skin, softening and moisturizing. It’s a soothing and cooling demulcent, and is very anti-inflammatory for the skin. Should only be used externally.
Mugwort: has a high magnesium content, that with the constituent borneol can help relieve muscle aches and pains.
Blue Vervain: Helpful for sore muscles and very relaxing to the central nervous system in worried people.
Echinacea root: Use for foot fungal issues, or infections and is quite anti-inflammatory. Please check with your doctor to see if your infection might need more help than herbs.
Witch Hazel: Great for local inflammation and hot wounds. Very cooling and drying.
Rose Petals: High in lovely scented volatile oils, and very cooling and astringent, rose is also great for helping support the nervous system by providing some heart-softening energetics.
Plantain: Antiseptic and antibacterial to help clean wounds, vulnerary to help promote healing, cooling and drying for hot infections or wounds.*
Step 1: Soak
Prepare your herbal blend: 1 tbsp per herb. I used Calendula, Rose Petals, Plantain, Mugwort and Comfrey root.
Place in a pot on the stove, add 4-6 cups of water. bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer for 20 minutes, covered.
Add 3 tbsp magnesium or epsom salts into your soaking bowl.
Strain the herbal mixture into the bowl. Fill the rest of the bowl with warm water. Let cool to the desired temperature.
Soak your feet for 15-20 minutes.
Step 2: Buff and Moisturize
Buff out calluses and any other rough spots of skin on your feet with a pumice stone or file
Use a nice blend of medicinal oils and essential oils to moisturize your feet. Here’s a good recipe based on V. Worwood’s The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy:
Foot Care Blend:
2oz Meadowsweet’s Calendula Oil
65 drops Palmarosa Essential Oil
45 drops Lemon Essential Oil
40 drops Geranium Essential Oil
20 drops Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
10 drops Thyme Linalol Essential Oil
Massage the oil into your feet, paying special attention to the dry spots and more tender spots on your feet, like your arches.
Step 3: Protect
After your oil has soaked in a bit, cover the problem areas of your feet with a nice protective and soothing salve, like our Gold Salve which has Calendula and Comfrey to help soften and protect. Doing this before bed might work best for you, and we suggest putting on socks to protect your sheets from the oils and to hold in the moisture a little longer!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not meant to prevent, treat, or cure any disease. This post is meant for educational purposes only.